Peter Flint

Former Canada Research Chair in Dead Sea Scrolls Studies

In light of Dr. Flint's recent passing, his CRC team will complete existing projects as part of a twelve month phase-out by November 2017. Students interested in exploring graduate programs and funding opportunities in Dead Sea Scrolls studies are encouraged to contact  Andrew Perrin, Dr.

Trinity Western University 
Tier 1 - Awarded August 1, 2004 , Renewed 2011
Social Sciences and Humanities

Research involves

Preparing critical text editions, commentaries, and studies of key biblical texts of the Dead Sea Scrolls.

Research relevance

The research is advancing the study of the text, canon, and interpretation of the Scripture in the Scrolls and exploring the implications for biblical scholarship.

Deciphering the Past: Interpreting the Significance of the Dead Sea Scrolls

The discovery of 2,000-year-parchments, now known as the Dead Sea Scrolls, in a cave in 1947 remains one of the most significant archaeological discoveries of the 20th century. Previously, modern translations of the Bible had been based on a Hebrew manuscript that is less than 1,000 years old. Now, for the first time, scholars who examine these documents are gaining fresh insights into the ancient roots of both rabbinic Judaism and early Christianity and their sacred texts.

Dr. Peter Flint belonged to a group of international scholars who are in the process of publishing the Dead Sea Scrolls and interpreting their significance for understanding the evolution of Judaism and early Christianity. His work includes The Dead Sea Scrolls Bible, the first translation of the Dead Sea Scrolls Biblical texts into any language, and The Meaning of the Dead Sea Scrolls. In addition, his The Official Edition of the Isaiah Scrolls from Cave 1 at Qumran (the first critical edition of one of the most important of the documents found at Qumran) was published by Oxford University Press in 2010.

As the Former Canada Research Chair in Dead Sea Scrolls Studies, Dr. Flint was undertaking a variety of projects, including the completion of a monograph entitled The Dead Sea Scrolls and the Bible and the publication of the first complete Dead Sea Scrolls apparatus for a Hebrew Bible. As well, he was carrying on his work as the chief editor of a 17-volume series called The Text and Interpretation of Scripture at Qumran.

Dr. Flint's research contributes to the scholarly understanding of the evolution of two of the world major religions and is ensuring that Canada's Dead Sea Scrolls Institute at Trinity Western University will continue to be one of the world's leading Centres for Dead Sea Scrolls research.