Ted W. Edelman, MA, RPC

Part-time Instructor of Leadership

After retiring from pastoring for the last 13 years, I continue to follow my passion of developing faith based leadership at TWU.

Ted Edelman has had an eclectic career path: From being a bi-vocational pastor and gas fitter in Saskatchewan and Alberta. He moved and became a realtor in the community of Osoyoos, BC. It was there that he began to study at Briercrest Seminary part-time. He also worked as a health care worker while studying counseling before pastoring full-time. He had the distinction of pastoring in three different denominations in that small community.

The last twelve years, Mr. Edelman has been pastoring on Vancouver Island in the Comox Valley. While there he initiated and instructed at The Pastoral Leadership Institute for mature adults who felt called to ministry but for one reason or another could not attend Seminary. Mr. Edelman chaired the Credentials Committee for his denomination for 10 years, and was on the Bylaw Committee.It was while he was in the Comox Valley that Mr. Edelman completed his Masters Degree and was working on a Doctorate in Ministry.

Mr Edelman and his wife Charissa, a retired nurse, hosted over 30 international students over an eight year period of time. They enjoy camping, hiking and boating, having owned as many as five boats at once. Now retired from pastoring they look forward to seeing more of their friends and family on the mainland and across the country.

  • M.A.
  • RPC


  • Leadership
  • Theology
  • Ministry
  • Strategic Leadership
  • Chaplaincy

  • LDRS 310 The Learning Organization
  • LDRS 420 Leading Change